Still Lancashire! - Linda Rowe
(To the tune of My Old Man’s a Dustman)
Now here’s a little story…to tell it is a must
About my sacred birthright
And what I think is quite unjust
Some people live in Cheshire
Where they can be quite stuck up
But me I was from Lancashire
Before they messed it up
Oh I was born in Blackley
North Manchester that is
We never had a postcode
For in Lancashire we lived
Then in the 1960s
They introduced postcodes
But we still lived in Lancashire,
And so we were consoled
We got used to our new address
Cos still we had our roots
Some people didn’t like it
And there were a few disputes
We didn’t know worse was to come
In 1974
We’d put up with the postcode
But we couldn’t take much more
The powers that be in 73
Said “Look you have no choice
It’s Greater Manchester for you
Why aren’t you overjoyed?”
We felt we’d been abandoned
For we loved our county name
And being Greater Manchester
Well it just was not the same
But please don’t you forget us
Or gloat on your success
At keeping hold of Lancashire
Your proud Red Rose address
For they can call us what they want
And claim it as a fact
But Manchester is Lancashire
And that’s the end of that!!!
Linda Rowe
March 2024